Friday, April 23, 2010

Week 3: Delicious

Hi all,

Learning about Delicious was the most important thing for me this week. This tool is amazing. It opens a new world to you through accessing other peopole's accounts on top of saving your favourite links and sharing it with others. Before knowing about Delicious, I always saved my links into favourites and the list grew very long. I've never lost my links as I have an external hard disk where I keep a backup for emergencies. However, with Delicious I can access my bookmarks anytime and anywhere.

Creating Delicious was not a problem for me, it was very easy through my yahoo account and straight away I started saving my bookmarks and other interesting links our colleagues shared with us. Here is the link to my delicious:

The discussion on aural/oral skills was very interesting this week. As participants come from different parts of the world, each one them has their own experience and own point of view wich provides a rich environment for exchanging ideas. I learned about new links from participants which I found quite useful.

As I mentioned in my post, incorporating technology in our teaching has become inevitable. Most of the ideas mentioned in the articles provided by Deborah this week are applied in my classes with certain modification to suite my teaching context. However, there is alwyas something new to learn as we are long life learners.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Maha,

    I like the idea of long-life learning that you referred to in your nice post above. Some people think that when they get a Master or a PhD, it means that they have got everything! Isn't it arrogant to think this way?

    Whatever level of knowledge we manage to have, it is still limited! There is always something we don't know!

    Thanks Maha and hope to see you writing on my blog:



  3. Hello Maha,

    I share your idea about how useful is. We are so lucky to know about it now. I have been using it since I found out about it, at the beginning of this week and now I don't worry I might lose something.

    I agree with your idea of adapting the information / knowledge we have or get to our students' needs. I consider this is the best thing we can do, and the results will be great. I also adapt everything to their needs as I consider this is the most important thing I can do for them. There are many examples of teacher who know lots of things but can never ever be understood by their teachers, and their efforts become useless in the end.

    All the best,

  4. Hi There,

    I found my routines in your reflection about Delicious this week. I think the way that we saved the bookmarks to Firefox or any other web browsers is still fine.

    I usually share the saved bookmarks to my colleagues at least twice a year in the formal presentations. And after the discussion this week as well as the trial on Delicious, I believe that my friends and students will get more advantages from this resource.

    I think you will agree with me that Delicious will facilitate our lifelong learning,teaching and sharing habits for good will.

